English How to say “NO” 11 Mar 202323 Mar 2023 Every day, we are asked to do something we don't want to do: provide any assistance, fulfill others' responsibilities, or complete an additional duty, whether we like it or not.…
English How to say “Yes” 11 Mar 202323 Mar 2023 Here we will learn some other ways to say "Yes".Try to use one of these phrases or expressions the next time you speak English.
English To speak a language like a native 10 Mar 202323 Mar 2023 I'll try to answer the question whether is it possible to speak a language like a native. I assume the question means: is it possible for a non-native to speak…
English Who is who in my family 9 Mar 202323 Mar 2023 My family tree What I call my relatives? Who is who in my family? If you need a translation of words read full article on a Zen website
English Greetings in English 9 Mar 202323 Mar 2023 A handshake is the most common form of greeting among the English and British people and is customary when you are introduced to somebody new. Greetings Content General / formal…