English… Word of the day Bolvan 25 Feb 202421 Sep 2024 New word of the day "Bolvan". A stupid or slow to learn person: dunce oaf chump numskull
English… Routine / word of the day 25 Feb 2024 Routines are like the backbone of a successful and organized life. They provide structure and order to our day-to-day lives, which can be beneficial for our ability to stay focused…
English… Tongue twister with letter “S” 10 May 202310 May 2023 Practice the tongue twister over and over, it will give you a sense of confidence in language abilities. She sells seashells by the seashore.
English… Tongue twister with letter “B” 10 May 2023 Practice the tongue twister over and over, it will give you a sense of confidence in language abilities. A big black bear sat on a big black rug.
English… Speaking English / writing topics for ESL 9 May 20239 May 2023 Write your story on this topic: Do you enjoy speaking English? In this article we are going to focus on improving our speaking skills for Speaking Exam. Variant 1 A…
Deutsch Das Genus 17 Mar 202323 Mar 2023 Wie bestimmt man das Geschlecht mit dem Artikel? Maskulinum - die Wörter mit dem Artikel "der" Hinweis #1 der Mann, der Bruder, der Vater, der Onkel, der Junge, der Löwe,…