Darkwing Duck is a multimedia franchise created and owned by The Walt Disney Company. At the core of the cartoon is Darkwing Duck, the vigilante protector of St. Canard and sometimes the rest of existence. He and his allies are constantly on the lookout for causers of trouble to restore the peace in time.
Darkwing Duck is a little known crime fighter of St.Canard, dying for a big break, and the publicity that goes with it. Yet when he gets on the trail of the infamous Taurus Bulba’s latest scheme, he gets into more trouble than he expected, and ends up adopting a young girl, by the name of Gosalyn.
Villains beware! Caped crime fighter Darkwing Duck is on the job. With his loyal sidekick, Launchpad, and a whole bunch of zany high-tech gadgets, Darkwing does his best to keep the city of St. Canard safe – and that’s the easy part of his day! Darkwing must juggle the responsibilities of being a superhero and being a dad to nine-year-old Gosalyn. Total of 91 episodes were made.
English lyrics
Let’s Get Dangerous
Let’s Get Dangerous
Daring duck of mystery
Champion of right
Swoops out of the shadows
Darkwing owns the night
Somewhere some villain schemes
But his number’s up
Darkwing Duck (When there’s trouble you call DW)
Darkwing Duck (Let’s get dangerous)
Darkwing Duck (Darkwing, Darkwing Duck!)
Cloud of smoke and he appears
The master of surprise
Who’s that cunning mind behind
The shadowy disguise?
Nobody knows for sure
But bad guys are out of luck
‘Cause here comes (Darkwing Duck)
Look out! (When there’s trouble you call DW)
Darkwing Duck (Let’s get dangerous)
Darkwing Duck (Better watch out, you bad boys!)
Darkwing Duck!